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    Диапазон различных материалов бумаги этикеток подходит для _ печатающих устройств

    by:Xprinter     2020-04-30
    Summary of the label paper material varied, depending on the material, the applicable place also will be different, today for everyone to make a brief introduction, the commonly used several kinds of different material label paper exactly what are applicable. A senior label paper, PET PET is the abbreviation of polyester film, actually it is a kind of macromolecule

    tag paper material is varied, depending on the material, the applicable place also will be different, today for everyone to make a brief introduction, the commonly used several kinds of different material label paper exactly what are applicable.

    a senior, PET label paper

    PET is the abbreviation of polyester film, actually it is a kind of polymer material. PET has a good hard brittle, common colors are silver, white, bright white. Because of PET excellent dielectric properties, good anti-fouling, scratch-resistant, high temperature resistant, such as performance, it is widely used in a variety of special occasions. Such as electronic components, mobile phone battery, electrical appliances, auto parts, chemicals, outdoor advertising, textiles, printing and other fields;

    2, coated paper tag

    is commonly used for barcode printing material, its thickness is in commonly 80 g. Are widely used in supermarkets, retail tag, clothing tag, logistics, inventory management, railway tickets, drug labels, printing products such as barcode printing purposes;

    three senior, PVC label paper

    PVC is the abbreviation of vinyl, it is also a kind of polymer material, of common color white, pearl white. PVC and PET performance close to, it is larger than that of PET with good flexibility, soft feel, is often used in jewelry, jewelry, watches and clocks, electronics, metals and other high-end occasions. But the degradation of PVC is poorer, has a negative effect on environment protection, some developed countries abroad have begun to develop alternative products in this area.

    4, thermal paper

    thermal paper is paper material treated by high temperature sensitive coating, high sensitivity of the surface material can be used to print head, low voltage and little wear and tear on the print head. Thermal paper is specially used for electronic scale, a hot play within the cash register paper, thermal paper test the most simple way: use nail on a piece of paper, leaving a black scratches. Thermal paper is suitable for cold storage, freezers shelves, such as sign.

    5, wash water ma

    is mainly used in garment industry.

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